Type: ring, finger size 14 to beat, central element diameter measurement: 1.5 cm, height from finger to brilliant table….
Rings – Florentine Style
Type: ring, finger size 14 to beat, gold 12.20 grams, width measurements: 1.20 cm, brilliant cut diamonds totaling ct: 0.23….
Type: ring, finger size 16 to beat, width: 1.3 cm / thickness: 0.3 cm, gold 9.2 grams, 12 small brilliant cut diamonds for a total….
Type: ring, finger size 10 to beat, gold 10.10 grams, width measurements: 1.20 cm, height thickness: 0.25 cm….
Honey Comb Wide
Type: ring, finger size 15 to beat, gold 11.1 grams, total ring width: 1.60 cm, thickness height: 0.2 mm….
Type: ring, finger size 12 to beat, gold 7.00 grams, width: 6.55 mm, 12 brilliant cut diamonds with a total ct: 0.36………..
Type: ring, finger size 19 to beat, gold 6.70 grams, measurements proportions width: 0.8 cm / thickness height: 0.25 cm….
Type: ring, finger size (RING NOT PRESENT) to beat, gold 13.00 grams, 34 brilliant cut diamonds with a total ct: 0.59….